It can be found in two forms: economic monopoly and administrative monopoly, with different causes. 经济垄断和行政垄断是垄断的两种形式,它们的成因是不同的。
Chinese anti-monopoly law should regulate economic monopoly and administrative monopoly. The anti-monopoly law enforcement agency with independence and authority should be established. 我国的反垄断法在反对经济垄断的同时,还特别应当规制行政垄断,并且应当设立独立性、权威性的反垄断执法机构。
But the existing research, which combines economic monopoly with administrative monopoly together is less even, the research on the efficiency of the economic monopoly, and the essence and the danger of the administrative monopoly needs further strengthen. 但从现有的研究来看,将经济性垄断和行政性垄断结合起来进行研究的还较少,对经济性垄断的效率、行政性垄断的本质及危害的研究,有待于进一步加强。
The economic monopoly actions include the abusive market control, the monopoly agreement practice, the monopoly incorporation of enterprises and other monopoly actions. 中国的经济性垄断行为主要有滥用市场支配地位、垄断协议行为、企业结合中的垄断行为、垄断化行为。
Administrative monopoly is different from economic monopoly and its harmful effects are even worse. 行政垄断与经济垄断不同,在目前我国经济生活中其危害更甚于经济垄断。
Comparing with the economic monopoly, the administrative monopolization has the following features: firstly, the doer of the administrative monopoly is the executive departments; 与经济性垄断相比较,行政性垄断具有以下几方面主要特征:①行政性垄断的实施者是行政主体;
Beginning with the fundamental theory of antimonopoly law, the view point that the object regulated by antimonopoly law being of economic monopoly is expounded. 从反垄断法的基础理论入手,认为反垄断法的调整对象是经济性垄断。
The enactment of Anti trust law is necessary to the regulation of economic monopoly, the establishment of market economy system and the security of our national economy. 规制经济垄断、建立市场经济体制、维护国民经济安全需要反垄断法。
The important legal conditions forming economic monopoly should be considered through 3 aspects: subject, content and object. 构成经济性垄断的法律要件应从主体、内容、客体三方面来构建。
There exists principle difference between administrative monopoly and economic monopoly. We cannot be ignorant of the difference in concrete model and the administration of administrative monopoly. 行政垄断与经济垄断有着本质的区别,我们不能把两者从本质上进行分离,更不能因此忽略了两者在具体形式上的区别,忽视了行政垄断的行政性。
In our country, the objects the anti monopoly law regulates falls into two kinds, I e, economic monopoly, and administrative monopoly. 在我国,反垄断立法所规制的对象应当是经济性垄断和行政性垄断。
According to the form of monopoly, the oligarchic monopoly market structure of banking industry can be classified as either economic monopoly or administrative monopoly, and generally the economic monopoly could be rational and efficient. 按照垄断的形式来分,银行业寡头垄断的市场结构被分为经济性垄断型和行政性垄断型两大类,在一般情况下由经济性垄断形成的市场结构具有合理性和效率性;
The anti-monopoly law should include the regulations of executive monopoly and economic monopoly, but the emphasis should be put on the latter. 反垄断法中应当对行政性垄断进行规制,但不应将其作为重点,重点应在经济性垄断;
Because the same results produced by both the administrative monopoly and economic monopoly: rejecting, restricting or blocking legal competition, the administrative monopoly is generally considered as a kind of illegal behavior against the Antitrust Law. 由于行政垄断产生的效果与经济垄断相同,都是排除、限制或妨碍合法竞争,因此,通常将其视为一种违反了反垄断法的违法行为。
The monopolistic activities in China include administrative monopoly and economic monopoly activities which began to infiltrate into economic situation in all aspects. 我国的垄断行为主要包括行政垄断行为和经济垄断行为,行政垄断开始逐渐渗透到经济生活中的各个方面。
Therefore, this dissertation firstly analyses the competition effect of economic monopoly systematically and profoundly. 因此本文首先对经济垄断的竞争效应作了系统深入的分析。
Based on this, we discuss the overall effects which economic monopoly affects competition. 以此为基础,探讨了经济垄断对竞争的全面影响。
All these views 'differences center on the effects of economic monopoly on the motivation and ability of technological innovation. 这些观点的分歧集中于经济垄断对技术创新的动力与能力的影响两个方面。
By the theoretical analysis and a large number of empirical comparative studies, this dissertation obtains the second conclusion: economic monopoly is conducive to the development of technological innovation. 通过理论比较分析、大量的实证对比研究,得出了本文的第二个重要结论:经济垄断有利于技术创新的发展。
So this dissertation analyzes the evolving trends of market structures from administrative monopoly to economic monopoly, from excessive competition to oligopoly, and the market dynamic equilibria. 为此,论文研究了行政垄断向经济性垄断市场结构与过度竞争向寡头垄断市场结构的演变趋势及其动态均衡。
Discussing the basic theory of administrative monopoly, and the relations between administrative monopoly and economic monopoly, national monopoly, natural monopoly, can make its position clearly. 对行政垄断的基本理论进行探讨,厘清行政垄断与经济垄断、国家垄断、自然垄断等其它类型垄断之间的关系,有利于对行政垄断进行明确定位。
In fact, some financial restriction policy could create leasing opportunities, but these opportunities in China are mainly in the state-owned banks and enterprises, so that it encouraged economic monopoly by nation-owned branches. 实际上,有些金融约束政策可以创造租金机会,但在中国租金机会集中于国有商业银行和国有企业等,从而维持国有经济部门垄断。
This dissertation mainly discusses the economic monopoly and defines it as that one or some enterprises have exclusive market power in special markets through competition and concentration. 本文的研究对象为经济垄断,并把其定义为:一个或少数企业在特定市场上通过竞争和集中所形成的排他性控制市场状态。
Administrative monopoly in China is a prominent phenomenon, which is directly rooted in the abuse of executive power, executive power is a combination of power and economic monopoly. 行政垄断是我国现阶段垄断的一个突出现象,它直接根源于行政权力的滥用,是行政权力和经济权力相结合的垄断。
The Administrative monopoly has dual property of economic and administrative, which is more harmful than economic monopoly. 行政垄断具有经济性和行政性双重属性,其危害较经济垄断更甚。
The administrative monopoly has been a main obstacle to the development of market-economy of China, it is more harmful than economic monopoly. How to regulate administrative monopoly is a difficulty of our country. 行政垄断是我国市场经济发展的主要障碍,其危害性更甚于经济垄断,其规制问题一直都是我国立法在难点。
From the perspective of industrial organization, there are some serious problems, for example the decentralized market structure, the coexistence of administrative monopoly, economic monopoly and natural monopoly in some industries, a large number of unfair competition cases. The fair competitive environment is threatened. 从产业组织角度看,中国工业市场结构分散,部分行业行政垄断、经济垄断与自然垄断并存,不正当竞争大量存在,公平竞争的市场环境受到威胁。
Fifth, the mass entry of multinational corporations bring change of market competition situation, then will impel inherently market structures evolving from administrative monopoly to economic monopoly and from excessive competition to oligopoly. 跨国公司的大举进驻在带来市场竞争格局变化的同时,也将内在地推动行政垄断向经济性垄断市场结构演变以及过度竞争向寡头垄断市场结构演变。
Thus, the development of national economy loses its balance seriously, which of course destroys the establishment and perfection of a unified big market. Meanwhile, the phenomena of economic monopoly have also had a negative impact on the ordered development of our market economy. 在行政垄断的同时,经济垄断现象也严重影响了我国市场经济的有序发展。
First, give a clear definition of the administrative monopoly. Secondly, the analysis of the features of the administrative monopoly reveals the difference between the administrative monopoly and economic monopoly. 首先,对行政垄断的概念加以界定;其次,对行政垄断的特征加以分析,揭示了行政垄断与经济垄断的区别。